Thank you for your interest in shopping Gallery Furniture’s BEST SELLING furniture pieces!
Gallery Furniture is committed to offering the best in quality, style and service to all of our wonderful customers, with a wide selection of stunning solid wood, Made in America furniture, name-brand mattresses, 100% real leather furniture pieces and more!
Shop our BEST SELLERS below, and the rest of our online selection here on GalleryFurniture.com, or visit us in store at any of our three convenient Houston area Gallery Furniture locations at 6006 N. Freeway, 7227 W. Grand Parkway or 2411 Post Oak Blvd.!
Gallery Furniture will never hand you a back order slip! We are IN STOCK and ready to deliver to your Houston area home within 3-4 hours for FREE when you purchase $500 or more in quality Gallery Furniture! We’ll even haul off the furniture you’re replacing for absolutely FREE!
Thank you for choosing Gallery Furniture. We look forward to filling your home with the furniture of your dreams TODAY!